Saturday, April 6, 2013

Breakfast is a sweet way to start

This has been a long time in the making - or baking to be more specific... I have noticed myself more and more interested in photographing and sharing my every waking whim and creation when it comes to food. I have decided that facebook is not the place for this and after holding this blog un-used for quite a long time, I finally decided to take the pressure off myself. Instead of it being perfect (pro photos, tried tested and true, pro persona), I will instead let it be a place where I share honest moments, late nights in my tiny kitchen, whatever emerges in the moment. Taken with the camera on my phone, these imperfectly perfect experiments and habitual favorites - sometimes messy and mostly delicious - I introduce to you in hopes that they will inspire and delight you.
Food is my medicine, my nourishment, my pleasure and sometimes my bane, my addiction and suffering. Searching for wellbeing and self care with a streak of naughty indulgence, I am always trying strike the balance and find ways of making food that is good for me, tastes good and feels good wether it is salad or quadrupole chocolate cake.
My tastes are particular and quite alternative to some, but to me, they are an expression of my journey and passion for a functional digestive tract and hedonistic pleasure.
I like to make as much from scratch as possible. I love the complete creation process and I like knowing what's in my food!
Enjoy, share your thoughts if you like and may you have your cake and it too!

I am dessert's biggest fan and I also love super foods. Combined=amazingness!

Today's experiment was days in the making. There was a time in my life when raw food was a big inspiration, and although it is not my only focus these days I still use it in a hybrid sort of way quite often. I wanted to know if a big bag of buckwheat I have, that I love cooked like rice, would sprout. So I soaked it and made pancakes with it the first day and I left about half a cup in my strainer to grow or rot. It grew!! And it became quite soft! How nice.
Instead of making long shoots, I put it in my fridge and left it for another day until eureka hit me this morning. An old friend of mine once told me about sprouted buckwheat and chia cereal, so this morning (years later!) I finally tried it. And here is what I did:

Sprouted buckwheat in bowl
Add a sprinkle of dry chia - about half a tablespoon
A handful of hemp hearts
A handful of chopped soaked and skinned almonds
Frozen blueberries and chopped up banana
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Larger sprinkle of coconut sugar
All mixed up
Topped with homemade yogurt
Bee pollen

And then....!
Omg yes cocao nibs! More cocao nibs!!
The result?
Why have I waited so long to try this?!?!
So yummy, gone in 10 minutes or less.
What? There is no more?
Scrape, scrape.

Ok, I declare success.
